The swimming leg of a triathlon is usually everybody's toughest, Lucy Danziger, SELF's editor-in-chief, told Jennifer Lopez recently. Jennifer is training for her first triathlon—only two days away!—which she's doing to raise money for Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. (Help us reach our fund-raising goal and click the donate image below.) She's prepared physically to swim probably twice the half-mile distance, but she's still working on the mental side of hitting the Pacific during Sunday's race.
"I've been to beaches, but I've never swum like this before. When we were out at Jones Beach [on Long Island] for an open-water swim, we were really far from shore. I'm not used to that. I'm from the Bronx! When I was growing up, there was no going out in the ocean. My mother hated the beach. My dad, too. Being in the deep water, far out, is the one mental thing I've got to get past.
"I wish I could just do the swim leg really fast, but I don't think I'm capable of swimming really fast. I have great stamina and I'm in good shape. But when I'm in the water, there are all these things going through my head: I hope I don't drown! I just want to survive! Maybe during the race, I'll just grab on to somebody's foot. Somebody who swims really fast, and I'll just hang on!
"Seriously, though, for me, the water part is about making it through. I know there are going to be a ton of people out there with me, and that there are kayaks with lifeguards and that it's going to be fine. I just have to get my rhythm. I know I can do it. I have no choice, I have to do it."
We love how real and relatable Jennifer is. She is one of the biggest celebrities in the world, but when it comes to training, she has the same worries as anyone. What sets her apart is her awesome drive. By telling yourself that quitting isn't an option, you can achieve your goals, whatever they may be.
Keep checking back to read more about Jennifer's triathlon training progress and charity initiatives.
September 12, 2008
Hey guys, please don't forget to donate anything you can below.
Please help Jen, and the women and children she is trying to help by donating money for Jen's triathlon run. All proceeds go to the CHLA mentioned above.
Please click image blow to donate, any amount helps.

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