Did J.Lo's baby daughter Emme really have a health scare when she was only three weeks old?
This rumor is true. At the Noche de Ninos benefit for the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, the singer/actress revealed that three weeks after the birth of her twins, she discovered a lump on Emme's head. "I just remember my heart sinking to my feet," Lopez said at the event. "Luckily, in the end, she turned out fine."
At the event, Jennifer told "Extra" that her little ones couldn't make the party. Still, with two healthy babies, it was a happy Mother's Day for J.Lo!
For those that get the entertainment show Extra in their area, check your local listings for the air time. Today's episode features a candid, close up video of Jennifer with her babies at their 1st birthday party in the backyard of their home in Los Angeles.
You saw that? I saw that too.
I flipped out cuz we never saw that video of her and the kidz before.
Wish I or We or Someone had the hole thingz. aND THE KIDZ outfits were so nice, i love the close up on their facez. They so Cute.
people i saw that to
they was so cute it had to be a home video jenny made
they looked in the camera and the person filming was mad close
camra was all in there face so it was prob a video she had someone make
but yeah she was holding them and they all looked so good
I live on the west coast and I saw this yesterday too. Emmy looked so cute in her little dress., & Max matched her in all white. It was cute
damn yall i didnt see it but my friend called me when it was on - she told me to watch - she told me theres a video of jen with her babies - but damn when i looked for extra it wasnt on in my area - i was so pissed - at least yall gave me some info in what the video was - thanks yall
Oh that sucks u missed it. I saw it and it was so nice to see a good clean close shot of them and their little faces. Think its crazy how emme's eyes are just like jen's in that video. Oh and jen looked so happy holding them in that video.
Thanks for the heads up Jlo Spot.
Good so you all got to see it too. Sorry for those that didnt catch it. We tried to give the quickest notice as we could. But it does depend on the air times where you live locally.
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