As posted on an earlier blog post. We showed you the US edition of the Scott Barnes book, who is make up artist to the stars, including Jennifer Lopez.
Below we have added a picture of Jennifer Lopez on the UK edition of the book, "About Face."
About Face: Amazing Transformations Using the Secrets of the Top Celebrity Makeup Artist
by Scott Barnes US Edition

Make Up artist, Scott Barnes has a new book out, in which the cover features non other than Jennifer Lopez. Scott Barnes is Jennifer's long time make up artist who she has worked with since 2000, and often continues to work with today.
Below we have added a picture of Jennifer Lopez on the UK edition of the book, "About Face."
About Face: Amazing Transformations Using the Secrets of the Top Celebrity Makeup Artist
by Scott Barnes US Edition

Make Up artist, Scott Barnes has a new book out, in which the cover features non other than Jennifer Lopez. Scott Barnes is Jennifer's long time make up artist who she has worked with since 2000, and often continues to work with today.
Here are pictures from inside the US Edition.
Click on Thumbnails to see larger image
Click on Thumbnails to see larger image
I love the UK one better.
Oh and Look Jasmine this time on the UK one there is something wrong with her ear, its gone.
LOL remember your last comment about her ear on the US pic?
Yeah I remember my comment hehe
The UK one looks weird, especially her ears haha
btw I have a question, is there a JLo store in Milan?
Hmm I dont know let me get back to you on that one. Maybe her store locations are listed on one of her clothing or beauty sites.
were talking about jlo stuff here, ofcourse its not on 1 of those websites. Maybe on the sweetface one but thats not the collection i need. I tried to google it but found nothing... I dont think there is one. Then i guess i wont be going to Milan.
LOL I know there is no info on her sites. I will still check where I can for you.
thank you : )
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